The Gestalt Training was created to organize workshops, supervision and training cycles for psychotherapists of different modalities.

The foundation stone is to create a new space for the experience of the variety of "gestalts" that have been developed over the years in different parts of the world.

So far, our invitation has been accepted from:


Elinor Greenberg


A certified psychotherapist, trainer and Gestalt supervisor working in New York. Dr. Greenberg is also a teacher and vice president of the NY Institute for Gestalt Therapy, a psychology consultant for the Tarot School in New York, and a Founding Member of The Masterson Institute.


Gianni Francesetti


Gestalt psychotherapist, psychiatrist, international trainer, coordinator of the International Training on Gestalt Therapy Approach to Psychopathology (Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy).


Julianne Appel-Opper


A certified psychologist, clinical psychologist, integrative and Gestalt psychotherapist registered in the UKCP, MUKAHPP, supervisor and trainer.


Peter Philippson


Master in Gestalt Psychotherapy. He is a psychotherapist and Gestalt trainer registered with the UKCP. He co-creates the teaching and supervision department at Gestalt Psychotherapy & Training Institute UK. He is also a founding member of the Manchester Gestalt Center, a full member of the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, a Senior Trainer at the Slovenian GITA.


Lynne Jacobs


Both the Gestalt therapist and the Psychoanalyst. She is the co-founders of PGI and also a training and supervision analyst at the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis (ICP) in Los Angeles. She teaches in ICP and Gestalt therapy both nationally (USA) and internationally.


Carmen Vazquez Bandin


Gestalt psychotherapist with ECP EAP certificate. Founder and director of the Centro de Terapia y Psicologia-CTP in Madrid. International trainer of Gestalt therapy.


Michela Gecele


Psychiatrist (trained by Eugenio Borgna in phenomenological psychiatry) and Gestalt psychotherapist. International Gestalt trainer and supervisor. 


David Pico


A psychologist, psychotherapist and Gestalt supervisor, he runs his own practice in Valencia, Spain.


Agnieszka Pixi Frączek


Gestalt therapist and counselor, lives and works in Poznań. She cooperates with the Stonewall Group, and graduated of the Pink Therapy Center.



“I received a lot of factual information, and at the same time I was able to develop the ability to consciously stay in contact with my own and the client's body. I felt it clearly in my practice as well as in private meetings. Very warm and cordial contact, full of mindfulness and awareness of what the bodies reveal to each other.”

— Cezary

“I highly recommend participating in the specialist training 'Psychotherapy for people with schizoid and narcissistic disorders'. The training contains a lot of useful theoretical information, comprising in a handy script and, above all, a lot of practice during the workshop itself. (...)”

— Alicja

“It was an important workshop for me. I have already known a bit about Julianne and her way of working, I also knew some content that we were discussing very thoroughly in psychosomatics classes during the systemic therapy training, but this workshop put everything together nicely. It was a kind of grasping buckle. This will help me both in working with clients and in my own approach; in developing my own integrated way of working and therefore also sharing this workshop and knowledge with others during my trainings. (...)”

— Robert


Upcoming workshops

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Anna Małecka, Justyna Sienkiewicz-Urbaniak, Olga Tokarska-Bąk - three psychotherapists, three different perspectives, which have been united by a passion for therapy and a Gestalt approach.

Gestalt Trainings

Interview for Humans of Gestalt.